Friday, January 22, 2010

Why I Don't Watch Show Psychics

So there was a psychic visiting the campus today, and I thought about going to see him, but then I remembered previous experiences I've had and realized that it was better not to go.

It's not just psychics, but hypnotists, ghost hunters, etc that throw-off the balance of my mind and make it hard for me to sleep at night, and live performances are worst than television. Something about these experiences make my instincts go crazy and make it difficult to sleep at night.

I'm not sure what it is, but it just doesn't settle well with me and I start to get upset for no reason. It's not that I have anything against psychics, hypnotists, and the like(especially since I people close to me that might fall into one of the aforementioned categories), but using those abilities on strangers and/or receiving money for the abilities always makes me dubious.

I guess the only way to describe it would be to say that I have some sort of phobia of these people and go into the fight/flight response; my heart starts to race, breath faster, palms get sweaty... I feel like running away and crying for no reason. I would probably start crying for no reason if a psychic wanted to read anything about me.

I feel so pathetic. I am the girl who picks up live spiders and snakes, loves the dark, and absolutely adores heights and is afraid of psychics and hypnotists. It is so strange to have this fear, but I guess I'll just live with it for now.

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